Understanding The Difference Between PR And Marketing By Businesses

The difference between PR and marketing is well known by professionals in communication, but not for others. Here we shall tell in gist about them both and how they differ. PR is reputation management through media and stakeholder communications, whereas marketing is in direct communication with customers. Public relations are more about creating a good reputation among everyone interested in a brand or organization. They both are selling products and services.

How PR And Marketing Varies

As it sometimes becomes difficult for also the industry professionals to separate PR from marketing, we have come up with this blog post to give the idea, in short, and crisp. We are an agency offering PR services in West Bengal and here we tell you the basic difference between PR and marketing and how businesses can bring out the best with both.

PR vs Marketing
  • Effects on Revenue
As we have said earlier PR manages reputation and stakeholder engagement and it is difficult to measure the ROI.  Perceptions take time to be created and shift and might not transform sales and revenue and can take months or years before you can see the results.

Whereas, with marketing, you can see the effect on revenue within a short time as it happens to be a direct promotional initiative taken for the brand.
  • Longevity and Legitimacy
Marketing strategies that include ads are completely free of faults and consumers may detect advertising campaigns and understand that they are meant by a company to increase sales.
  • Reliability
Having said this, PR not just time consuming but has greater effects too. Whereas marketing campaigns are scheduled, pre-determined, and also offer a guarantee but with lesser effect in comparison to that of PR. 

PR, depends on journalistic needs and integrity, but it doesn’t come with guaranteed success, instead depends on stories that go well with the editorial teams that may affect the readers’ mind in multiple ways and better than advertises.
  • Digital PR
This is similar to digital marketing that results in rapid engagement from the consumer but it depends on a better relationship with key influencers with brand advocacy.

Businesses cannot use online PR like marketing, though it seems similar, yet it needs media outlets.
So, you have by now understood the difference between PR and marketing.

PR is to create a long-term relationship with consumers while marketing is for instant and systematic results. They both have different ways and purposes but with similar goals to yield better sales and increases brand prominence.

Digital Marketing and Digital PR

As with conventional practices, marketing in the digital landscape is the activities that tend to drive instant customer engagement with ads, search marketing, EDMs, and promotions. NO matter the PR is through traditional practice or via online platform the matter of fact remains the same, creating and managing relationships, with social media strength.

It is a time-proven that promotional marketing via online platforms can impact negatively on a brand. This is responsible for a farther shift with digital PR.

How This Helps Businesses?

As a business you must know how a PR is different from marketing, to be able to do the right preparations and the right campaigns. It is always a good idea to combine both for better success. 
Technologies are changing and there are additional dynamics, and with this, there is enough scope for getting innovative with new strategies and campaigns. With an increase of acceptance in PR by executive teams, there is more complexity in both the PR and marketing and the processes associated with both.

By saying this, businesses that don’t get confused with the PR and marketing parts and their respective segregation, an integrated approach will help in meeting both the needs. This will be the best strategy for a company to become a brand.


There we have seen that the minute differences between both PR and marketing even can confuse the professionals as well. And with social media, there is added chaos. Most of the confusion arises due to similar goals and collaborative approaches.

If you are looking for PR marketing support in Kolkata for your company, do contact us. We will be happy to assist and serve you.


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